Terms of use

Website terms and conditions
The clearview.com.au website and all webpages located on that domain name (this website) is owned and operated by ClearView Administrative Services Pty Limited ABN 90 135 601 875 on behalf of ClearView Wealth Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries (referred to collectively as ClearView), including ClearView Life Assurance Limited ABN 12 000 021 581 AFSL No 227682 (CLAL).
In relation to certain products, the following arrangements apply:
- HTFS Nominees Pty Limited ABN 78 000 880 553 AFSL 232500 RSEL No L0003216 (HTFS Nominees) as the trustee of the HUB24 Super Fund ABN 60 910 190 523 RSE Registration No R1074659 is the issuer of ClearView ClearChoice Super and ClearView ClearChoice Super Rollover.
- Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited ABN 50 055 641 757 RSE License L0001458 AFSL 229757 (ETSL) is the trustee of the ClearView Retirement Plan ABN 45 828 721 007 RSE Registration No R1001624 and the issuer of ClearView WealthFoundations Super and Pension (WealthFoundations) and ClearView WealthSolutions Superannuation and Retirement Income (WealthSolutions). For more information regarding ETSL, please visit the Wealth Governance Information page or ETSL’s website.
- CLAL is the administrator of WealthFoundations.
- ClearView ClearChoice Super and ClearView ClearChoice Super Rollover - CLAL is the administrator for these products. These products are issued by HTFS Nominees. For more information regarding HTFS Nominees, please visit the Trustee transparency page.
- CLAL is the issuer of ClearView ClearChoice life insurance products.
CLAL is responsible for the financial products it issues and the financial services it offers.
HTFS Nominees and ETSL are each responsible for the financial products it issues and the financial services it offers.
Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs and obtain financial advice tailored to you. You should consider the latest Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold a product, any representations regarding past performance are not indicators of future returns and/or performance.
Your access and use of this website constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions.
The registered office of ClearView Wealth Limited is Level 15, 20 Bond Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
Access for persons from within Australia only
This website is only for the use of persons accessing this website from within Australia. The products and services described in this website are only available to persons accessing this website from within Australia.
No investment or financial advice provided to you
Unless otherwise expressly stated to the contrary, this website is not designed for the purpose of providing personal financial or investment advice. Information provided does not take into account your particular objectives, needs, or financial situation. You should obtain and consider the relevant PDS and TMD relating to the product you are interested in before making any decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold the product.
Unless otherwise expressly stated to the contrary, the information on this website is not a recommendation to invest in or acquire any investments, securities or financial products offered by any member of the ClearView group of companies.
Third party websites
This website may contain links to third party websites or pages that are not operated by ClearView. Such links are provided for convenience and information purposes only. ClearView has not verified, and is not responsible for, the content of any other website or pages linked to or linking to this website. ClearView does not endorse, approve or recommend the operators of those websites or the content of those websites.
Subject to any applicable law which cannot be excluded, ClearView makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the good or services available from these persons. Your obtaining of goods or services from these persons is at your own risk. You indemnify each member of the ClearView group of companies against all liability, loss, damage, cost and expense arising from or relating to your obtaining goods or services from a third party referred to in this website.
If you provide a link to this website on another website, you must ensure that this website does not contain any material that is offensive or distasteful, contravenes any law, disparages or adversely affects the brand or reputation of ClearView or any of the ClearView group of companies or the goods and services offered by the ClearView group of companies, or makes any representation about ClearView or its goods or services, including any representations of any endorsement, sponsorship, affiliation or approval of you or the website by ClearView or passes off ClearView’s documents or information as your own.
Following links to any other website or pages or linking this website to another website is entirely at your own risk and ClearView shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages or expenses arising in connection with such linking.
Disclaimer and limitation of liability
To the maximum extent permitted by law, ClearView its officers, employees and agents:
- will not be liable in any way for any loss or damage suffered by you through use or access to this website, or ClearView’s failure to provide this website. Our liability for negligence, breach of contract or contravention of any law as a result of our failure to provide this website or any part of it, or for any problems with this website which cannot be lawfully excluded, is limited, at our option and to the maximum extent permitted by law, to resupplying this website or any part of it to you, or to paying for the resupply of this website or any part of it to you; and
- believe that the information in this website and the sources on which it is based (which may be sourced from third parties) are correct as at the date you access the information. While every care has been taken in the preparation of the information on this website, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility for the information is accepted by ClearView, ClearView entities, its officers, employees or agents. Except where contrary to law, ClearView excludes all liability for this information.
General conditions
ClearView trade marks may not be used or reproduced without the prior written consent of ClearView.
The information contained on this website may not be accurate or up to date in all respects. ClearView does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this website.
These terms and conditions are governed by the law in force in the State of New South Wales and the parties irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and courts of appeal from them for determining any dispute concerning the terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions can be modified at any time by ClearView and you agree to continue to be bound by these terms and conditions as modified. ClearView will give you notice of these changes by publishing revised terms and conditions on this website – we will not separately notify you of these changes.
Except where necessary for viewing the documents or information on this website on your browser, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws or these terms and conditions, no documents or information on this website may be reproduced, adapted, uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, performed in public, distributed, stored, published, displayed or transmitted in any form by any process and you may not create derivative works from any part of this website without the specific written consent of ClearView or, in the case of third party material, from the owner of the copyright in that material.
PDSs and TMDs
Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) and Target Market Determinations (TMDs) are available for the products described on this website. You should obtain and consider the relevant PDS relating to the product you are interested in before making any decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold the product. A copy of the relevant PDS can be obtained here. You can find the TMDs for the products here.